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Southeastern Holstein News
The Registered Holstein Breed Publication for the Southeast​
The Virginia Holstein Association is a partner with other state Holstein associations in the publication to promote Holstein cattle and their members in the Southeast region. The Southeast Holstein News is published 4 times a year in February, May, July and October. Virginia Holstein members receive a copy with their annual membership application.
Please contact the editor for more information about advertising and subscriptions.
Contact Information
Joanna Calimer
Fax or Phone 717-762-5021 Cell # 240-291-1425
Mailing Address: 17 W. Fourth, St., Waynesboro, PA 17268
VA State Editor
Terry Perotti
Phone: 540-820-4342
Mailing Address: 2838 Scenic Hwy., Mount Solon, VA 22843
Executive Committee:
President: James Cook
Vice President: Denny Remsburg
Secretary: Rebecca Daubert
Treasurer: Joanna Calimer