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VA Juniors Leaped to Success at National Holstein Convention

The Virginia Junior Holstein Association took 12 junior members to Appleton, Wisconsin at the end of June for the National Holstein Convention. They had an outstanding time competing and represented Virginia extremely well! The van-load of kids left on Saturday and stopped at Fair Oaks Farms on the way there.

On Sunday most of the Jeopardy contestants went to the Dairy Jeopardy Orientation and enjoyed a Junior Mixer that night. The Dairy Jeopardy contest took place on Monday morning. Virginia was represented by Isabelle Leonard and Hayley Daubert. Isabelle placed second in the senior division and Hayley made it to the final round in the intermediate division. The Prepared Public Speaking Contest was also going on Monday morning. Sarah Craun placed second in the junior division and JD Brown II competed in the intermediate division. On Monday evening everyone from our group had to take the Dairy Knowledge Exam and we had three of our kids place in the top three in their respected divisions; Hayley Daubert placed first and Rachel Craun placed 3rd in the Junior Division, and Isabelle Leonard placed first in the Senior Division.

Tuesday was host day. We had three different groups going on different tours. The group that went on the Farm Tours got to see MilkSource Genetics, Siemers Holsteins, Synergy Dairy, and Hilrose Dairy, LLC. The group that went on the Farm and Float Tour got to tour Brooks Farms and float down the Wolf River. The group that went on the Goats and Glass Tour got to go to the LaClare goat farm, the LaClare farm market, and a glass market. I think that everyone had fun at the tours they went on. That evening everyone was bused to Lambeau Field for dinner. The VA Delegation took advantage of a tour of Lambeau Field where the Green Bay Packers play football! It was a great day of seeing a lot of Wisconsin has to offer.

Wednesday started most of the Dairy Bowl contest. Virginia had two Dairy Bowl teams this year; a junior (with Elizabeth Goodwin, Reagan Rhodes, Rachel Craun, and Salem Sifford) and a senior team (with Hannah Craun, Paul Craun, Jacob Craun, and Chrissy Putman). The Junior team made it to the fourth round and the senior team made it to the final round placing second against California.

Finally, on Thursday we attended the Junior Awards Luncheon. That is where we received all the awards previously mentioned in addition to the scrapbook, banner, folding displays, and speech results. Sarah Craun and Jacob Craun made the state banner. Isabelle Leonard, Rachel Craun, and Hayley Daubert made the digital scrapbook that placed first. Virginia had five folding displays made by Sarah Craun (creative, Junior); Reagan Rhodes, Madison Sifford, and Elizabeth Goodwin (creative, Intermediate); and Rachel Craun (Scientific, Intermediate). Reagan Rhodes placed second with her folding display and Madison Sifford placed third with hers.

Thank you to everyone who helped to sponsor, coach and encourage all of the junior members throughout the year. We look forward to 2020 in Pennsylvania!

Virginia Holstein Association, Inc.
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The Virginia Holstein and Virginia Junior Holstein Association is dedicated to promoting and supporting Virginia Holstein Breeders and enthusiasts. 

© 2024 Virginia Holstein Association, Inc.

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