2021 VA Holstein Spring Show
May 1, 2021 • Judge Carly Shaw, Maryland Submitted by Terry Perotti This year, we were able to have a spring show thanks to our generous...
Member Spotlight - The Sifford Family
Steve grew up on a Holstein dairy in Rockwell, NC located in north central Cabarrus County in the Piedmont region; George Pless and Sons...
53rd VA Holstein Summer Show
On Saturday, August 3th, the Virginia Holstein Summer show was held at the Rockingham County fairgrounds in Harrisonburg. Judge Matt...
2017 Spring Show
This year’s Virginia Spring Show was held on April 1, at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds. The dairy barn was full as it was the largest...
2014 Virginia Spring Show
The Thirty-Fourth Virginia Spring Show will be held on April 5, 2014 at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds in Harrisonburg, VA. The show...