100th Anniversary 1916 - 2016
Thank you to everyone for joining us to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the VA Holstein Association!
Please enjoy looking through the moments and memories captured during the weekend.
A special thank you to Keedie Leonard, Terry Perotti, Patty Leonard and Debbie Cornman for their photography skills.

A cookbook that preserves the history of the organization and is dedicated to all of the dairy wives, mothers and daughters who have been the backbone of many farms. Order forms can be found on the website.
Twenty-six cows were nominated to be a part of the Virginia Holstein Cows of the Century Contest. The membership voted at the end of 2015 for their favorite cows. The February 2016 issue of the Southeastern Holstein News revealed the top seven cows from that contest. Reprints of the article can be found on the website.
JULY 15TH – VA DAIRY EXPO – Harvue Farms, Berryville VA
Join with other Holstein Breeders and Dairy Farmers as we come together for a day of learning and fellowship at the well-known Harvue Farms in Berryville, VA. A great event is being planned this year with VSDA and we look forward to seeing you.
Elite Holsteins from around the state and region will be sold during the VA Sale of Stars. Genetics going back to a number of the cows that were nominated in the Cows of the Century contest will be highlighted during this event.
Premiums for youth members, outstanding class winner awards and two Futurity classes make this a show to remember.
NOVEMBER 18TH – 100th Anniversary Banquet, Staunton VA
You are invited for a great night of celebration with many friends of the VA Holstein Association to take a walk down memory lane. Special entertainment is lined up for the evening!
NOVEMBER 19th – Annual Meeting – Staunton VA
VA Holstein Youth will present the program for the morning, followed by the Annual Membership Meeting and the Awards Luncheon. Join us to celebrate the first 100 years of this great organization and be with us to start the beginning of the next 100!
Cows of the Century Contest
Celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2016 the Virginia Holstein Association conducted the Cows of the Century Contest. Twenty-six cows that were bred by Virginia breeders carrying their prefix were nominated. Current members of the Association were eligible to vote for their top seven cows and after the final ballets were tallied only one farm/prefix were allowed in the final top seven Cows of the Century.
The February 2016 issue of the Southeastern Holstein News featured an article on the top seven finalists in the Cows of the Century contest. They are shown in alphabetical order and it shares the profile of each cow. Click here for the article from the SEHN.
Walter McClure, Sr. has written a profile for each of the nominated cows listed below. Click here for the written compliation of cow profiles.

Recipes and Remembrances
A note from 100th Anniversary Chairperson, Barbara Wagner:
In 2016, the Virginia Holstein Association will celebrate a monumental birthday—100 years old. A year of many celebrations are being planned.
As a part of this centennial event, a cookbook “Recipes and Remembrances” has been published by the wives , mothers, daughters and family members of the many Holstein breeders from across the state of Virginia.
Reflect back in time to the making of Blackberry Wine, preparing enough food for a barn
raising, or a recipe on how to preserve a husband. These are just a few examples of the
recipes and unusual information that will be revealed as one opens this unusual cookbook.
A sneak peek will be available with a recipe chosen as a recipe of the month on the Virginia Holstein Association website www.vaholstein.org. These will begin in July and continue through out next year.
The cookbooks will be available at the Virginia Holstein Field Day/ Virginia Expo, the Virginia Sale of Stars and the Virginia Summer Show as well as other Virginia Holstein Events. They will also be available my mail order from the Virginia Holstein Association, 540-879-2427 or vaholstein@gmail.com for the cost and S&H.
This could be your one stop shopping for bridal showers, Christmas, and birthday gifts.
Only $15.00
Recipe Of The Month
We will be sharing a monthly recipe out of Recipes and Remembrances . Visit the Blog Page to view the recipe or click on the title below. We hope you enjoy the many recipes and family traditions found in this book.